Prepare Your Heart
December 2nd. Day #2 for our 2021 Advent activities where we are preparing our hearts for the birth of Jesus Christ. As we read Scripture and delve into activities with our family or friends, I hope you feel just a little bit closer to the incredible babe who came to save us all!
Yellow Rose Jenny Advent 2021 Reading
Day 2, December 2nd
Read Isaiah 52: 7-10. Light the first candle of your Advent wreath of hope.
The Advent wreath traditionally holds four large candles and a fifth candle in the center. The four outside candles are lit on each successive Sunday of Advent while the center candle is lit on Christmas Eve (or sometimes Christmas Day). The candles hold different representations but the most common is that the first candle represents hope, the second candle peace, the third candle joy and the fourth candle love. The fifth and center candle represents Christ.
The hope we have in Jesus Christ began with God’s promise that one of Eve’s descendants would defeat Satan, crushing his head! Can I get an Amen? Our hope can still live today as we look forward to the return of Christ. Our faith provides us the reason to hope for the ultimate end to the trials we face here on Earth. Imagine being face to face with Christ, all of our hopes realized. It’s almost too good to be true but it is the promise we have all been given if we accept Jesus as our Saviour!
Kathy says
The hope of our Saviour Jesus is the hope of this world. Thank you Jesus for coming to earth so you could take those who accept you, to live with you one day. We surely await that glorious day!
Jenny says
Amen, Kathy! He IS the hope of this world!!