Week of Peace
Christ leads peacefully
I don’t know if you are fans of the show, The Chosen, but hubby and I are. We love the story they are telling, going beyond what we can read in the Bible and filling in the spaces. Helping us to get to know the characters in the Bible. It can be dangerous, putting faces on those who founded our religion, Christ Himself. But, lots of humans are visual beings and if seeing the story told (as accurately as the producers are able) gets a non-believer to know Christ better, then I am all for it!
Jesus Christ both in the Bible and as depicted in The Chosen is such a loving, calm man. He is all that we are not. I believe it is because Jesus had the peace of God totally within Him. He could laugh at the small stuff that we see as mountains of obstacles. He could go to God prayerfully and listen for the big stuff.
That is how we are to try to live. Peacefully, with the Holy Spirit’s help, being calm when the world around us isn’t. Seeing the big picture beyond the small strife we may be facing. Leading others to peace which can only be found through Christ!
Day 11 Activity
Read Malachi 3:1-6. Perform a random (and spontaneous!) act of kindness today. Don’t plan it out which ends up feeling like it has to be perfect. Instead, bless someone when you see the need!