I find that many sermons given in today’s churches (at least those I’ve attended) do little to strengthen my relationship with God. I’ve found myself delving into words written by Charles Spurgeon, Oswald Chambers and Rev. Miller.
Take Time to Sit Quietly with the Lord
Rev. Miller, in Silent Times, published in 1886, writes encouraging words to aid the Christian in applying doctrine to experiences in daily life. Today’s post will be short, if only to encourage readers to seek the quiet in their day to help you slow down from our busy lives.
Here is a quote from Rev. Miller that suggests he knew a bit of what he wrote: “Earnest women need such silent times, for there are many things in their daily household life and social life to exhaust their supplies of grace. The care of their children, the very routine of their home-life, the thousand little things that try their patience, vex their spirits, and tend to break their calm; the influences of much of their social life, with its manifold temptations to artificialness, insincerity, formality, unreality, or, on the other hand, to frivolity, idleness, vanity, and worldliness, – amid all these distracting, dissipating, secularizing influences, every earnest woman needs to get into her life at least one quiet hour every day, when, like Mary, she can wait at the feet of Jesus, and have her own soul calmed and fed.”
Seek that hour.
We are better able to serve others, thereby doing God’s work, when we have taken the time to recharge and build our relationship with the Lord. When we put our relationship with the Lord first in our lives, we are then able to turn that love and serving attitude to the world.