I am not a T.V. watcher. I don’t like wasting the precious time that God has gifted me. When Mr. Flu visited last month, however, I binge watched all the episodes of Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. T.V. can be a gift. I am. All. In!
All the Clutter. How in the heck did I get this way?
When I was a senior in high school, I was an exchange student to Germany. I was given a small bedroom, but as I only had two suitcases for my entire year, I didn’t need much space. I had very little clothing, school supplies and my Bible. My German family didn’t have a lot of “stuff” around their house and it was expected that we each kept our space tidy and clean. Each Friday before any weekend fun activities, we all helped by thoroughly cleaning the house. I loved living the way my German family lived!
When I returned to America and as I got older and had kids, I have found myself overwhelmed with too much stuff. Artwork (masterpieces that the kids created!), cherished childhood toys, fabrics for quilting. All of the “stuff” that sparks less and less joy. It’s not that they’re not still valuable; it’s just that wondering if I’d replace them if they were suddenly gone (God forbid a tragedy like a house fire ever struck!) results more often than not in a resounding “NO!”
Does it Spark Joy?
Such a simple little question Marie asks. Does it spark you joy? Do you want to carry it with you into your future? If I wouldn’t replace the items and they aren’t sparking joy, why are they still taking up real estate in my home. Home is a precious word to me. I bet it is to you too. It’s my peaceful place and the place that I want my children to look upon fondly in their memories of growing up. A home should not be burdened with “stuff” that is guilt-inducing rather than joy-bringing!
KonMari Style
Elsewhere on this blog, I have a little fabric shop. In my former life, I had a Quilt Shop retail location. It was such a cute store in a big-o red barn with a loft and separate sewing area. The laughter from women who would come in and have sew-alongs was so good for the soul.
It suddenly had to be closed when I found Tumor Ted and had a full emergency hysterectomy. I couldn’t possibly quilt in my lifetime with all of the fabrics that I had in the shop. But, it also isn’t welcome in my home as an online shop long-term, as hubby is terribly allergic to cut fabric (hello, precuts, I’m looking at you!). That means I’m going to follow Marie’s advice and purposefully rid our lives of fabrics that spark no joy (for my hubby, at least). I could pet and appreciate the fabric forever, however that’s not being a good steward of that which God has blessed me!
What do you have in your life that is causing you to go bonkers, even if it brought you so much joy once upon a time? Is it time you consider donating or selling?
KonMari isn’t just for items – Try it on your head and heart
Clearing our homes is an awesome undertaking but we shouldn’t stop there. We should also dredge up the negative in our lives and fully give it over to God. Let it go completely. Pray that He’ll help you leave the negativity in the past and that He’ll help you learn from those lessons moving forward in your life. You’ll be a happier person and one more able to do God’s work here on Earth if you aren’t focused on experiences from your past.
God wants us to love Him and love others.
If we’re focused too much on our own lives and memories, we’re unable to be focused on others who may need our attention. Have you ever found that you may have been having a really bad day but maybe you run into someone at the grocery store or as you’re picking up your kids from school. As you focus your attention on catching up with your friend, you forget your bad day. That’s what it’s like when you give your baggage to God. He doesn’t want us to carry our burdens, and He’s totally willing to take them from us! All you have to do is pray for His help.
I think Marie has a success on her hands because she’s hit a nerve with our American consumerism. We buy and buy. Maybe, just maybe, it’s time we declutter our homes and our lives. Settle for a more simple lifestyle.
Jen says
I love the reminder to use this method not only for our things (definitely have work to do there) but also on our mind and heart. The world is definitely in need of the peace that comes from an uncluttered soul.
Angela Rogers says
This pulled at my heart strings! So good! As you know a huge tornado hit Alabama, Not too far from us. Those people lost everything. Twenty three souls lost. So, I say a heart felt thank you for these words of heartfelt truth.
Jenny says
Angela, the tragedy in Alabama is overwhelming to me. So many victims from one family! All I can do when I hear stories of such tragedy is to pray that God is close to those affected and that He brings them peace. Horribly sad!
Elise says
I love this show and was very inspired to go through my house as well! I have stalled a bit but this summer I plan on tackling my garage which is the main culprit. I also did this with my crochet room! It feels so go to only have yarn that sparks joy!
Katie says
You are so wise. I love the Konmari method because it is so personal. Your barn/ shop is so adorable, by the way. I hope it still holds good memories for you.
Jenny says
Thank you, Katie, for your kind words. The red barn is adorable and I feel blessed to have had my shop there even if only for a short time! It was a blessing to the women who visited; more than a few friendships were created due to the shop so I know God used it for good!
Angela Jackson says
It is so true! When we finally started letting go of all the things keeping us tethered to the past we have been able to add so much joy to our lives!
The fabric will be a blessing to somebody else!
Jenny says
Amen, Angela! Thanks for visiting!
Wendy, Little House Simple Living says
Hi Jenny,
I certainly resonate with you as in 2010, I had a full hysterectomy due to a large mass the size of a grapefruit. God removed all cancer and it ended up becoming a low-potential malignancy. Boy, did that change my life! I learned to let go of so many things, both material and mentally. That’s when I chose to start living more simple and keep God first. I too, have adult kids, so my husband and I are starting a new phase. I struggle sometimes keeping my hormones balanced. Going into early menopause is so different than going through it naturally LOL. We are about to finish building a new house and I’m looking forward to a peaceful, de-cluttered life in our new home.
Jenny says
Wendy, I am so sorry for your struggle! It is real, girl! God has blessed us both.